Top 3 things to do instead of impulse buying

Happy Friday friends!

It’s happened to all of us.

Scrolling our phones, minding our own business, when suddenly that cute sweater and new fall booties (even though you already have several pairs in your closet) start calling your name.

Before you know it, your shopping cart is fuller than a Halloween candy bowl, and your wallet is crying for help! 

You’re not alone. But fear not!

We’re here to help you resist those temptations before they turn your budget into a horror story.

Here are our favorite strategies to keep those pesky shopping urges at bay—while having a little fun along the way!

📋 Top 3 Things to do Instead of Impulse Buying

1. Identify the deeper need/desire and meet it creatively. 💭 Behind every impulse decision is a need we are trying to meet (whether or not we are consciously aware of it!). So take a deeper look, instead of diving headfirst into your shopping cart, take a moment to figure out what’s really going on.

Are you feeling bored? Stressed? Sad? Just craving something new? Instead, you might TRY something new, like a recipe or hobby. 

2. Write it down! ✍️When the shopping urge strikes, don’t just let it float around in your mind. Grab your phone or a piece of paper and jot down your thoughts! Giving your impulses a physical space can help clear your mental clutter and reduce the urge to buy. Writing things down not only helps you remember what you actually need, but it can also transform your impulse into a fun list.

Instead of “Things I Want to Buy,” create “Future Gift Ideas for Friends Who Probably Don’t Want Another Mug” or “Items I Will Regret Buying at 2 AM.” This way, you can process your desires rationally rather than being swayed by momentary urges.

3. Do something physical. 💗 Not to sound like everyone on Instagram preaching about how physical activity can cure everything, but… okay, we’re gonna sound like that. Instead of shopping online, find a way to move your body and release some energy.

Go for a walk, do some jumping jacks, try a new stretch – anything to practice caring for yourself in different ways. You’d be amazed at how much better you’ll feel after releasing that pent-up energy. 

💡 Next time you’re tempted to click “Buy Now,” take a deep breath, remember these tips, and find a more beneficial outlet for your desires. Your wallet will thank you!

On Tuesday, Jen and Jill made cleaning actually sound fun with Declutter Your Kitchen in 30 Days (Ep 450).

Today, they’re helping us all get ready for an eventful holiday season of Frugal Entertaining & Hosting (Ep 451).

Listen wherever you get podcasts and let us know what you thought of the episode over on our latest Instagram post!

 Listen:  Jen was on About Progress with Monica Packer! It’s such a good interview, check it out!

 Watch: Ghost Bun Hairstyle for Halloween Tutorial (audreymcclelland)

 Do: Ready for a bonus tip to resist impulse buying? Every time you resist the urge, transfer the amount you didn’t spend into a high yield saving account as another creative outlet. Our personal favorite HYSA? CIT! **

 Meal Prep: We’re not tired of pumpkin season yet, so check out this easy and freezer friendly Turkey Pumpkin Chili recipe. FYI for our vegetarian friends, a great sub for the turkey is Trader Joe’s soy chorizo! 🎃 

Spending is a skill and you can learn to master it. If you’ve ever struggled with being unable to stick to a budget or felt guilty about spending on something you enjoy, Jen and Jill’s upcoming book is going to be your next favorite read.

Grab your pre-order gifts. Free With EVERY pre-order. 🥳


⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

**Means this is a sponsored or affiliate section. We may earn a small fee or commission when you choose to try one of our sponsor or affiliate partners. But opinions are still 1000% our own.

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