Free Activities for Kids

Happy Monday! 

As we settle into summer, I (Misti) know a lot of friends are happy for summer break, but that also means—occupying kiddos 👧🏻 who have a lot of free time without their usual school commitments.

I don’t have kiddos myself, but I know this can get pricey and coming up with novel ideas for an entire summer can be hard!

There’s only so much reading, Netflix, and playing outside one can do before the boredom sets in. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But, we also don’t want these summer activities to eat up too much of the budget.

So, I found three free activities for kids to help break up the boredom.

🎳 Through Kids Bowl Free, kids can bowl 2 FREE games a day at over 1,500 participating bowling centers across the US, Canada, and some military bases!

🖼️ Take advantage of free admission days at your local museums! A lot of museums offer free entry to local residents on certain days of the year. 

📚 Plus, don’t forget to see if you can get free passes through your local library! For example, San Diego Public Library cardholders can use the Discover & Go program to reserve passes at museums, cultural sites, and even SDSU games.

🍿 Look for outdoor entertainment in your area, like San Diego’s Summer Movies in the Park. I’ve been to free movie nights and live plays in several cities I’ve lived in, and it’s so fun just laying on a blanket outside enjoying the show. Just google “free outdoor movies in X city” to see what’s nearby!

🥱 Bored Bill 🥱

I hate to admit it, but I shop when I’m bored. Can anyone relate?

This summer, I’m challenging myself to transfer money into my savings account any time I resist the urge to make a purchase just because I’m bored.

To make this feel a little more interesting, I pay attention to how much that money grows just because I’m using a high-yield savings account (HYSA).

Wanna play along? We recommend opening up a HYSA at CIT Bank.

Right now, CIT is offering a 4.65% APY— what better way to reward yourself for saving even through boredom? **


⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

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