How to Tell Them You Don’t Want Gifts

Good morning, friends! 

Anyone else have mixed feelings about receiving gifts?

On the one hand, it can be so great to receive a thoughtful, timely gift from a loved one. But on the other hand, there can be so many times we receive a gift that we don’t need, want, or know what to do with!

Having the physical, mental, and financial space for gift receiving isn’t something that’s talked about as much as it should be.

Whether it’s the concert tickets that still require you to buy gas & lodging, or the kids drum set when you manage chronic migraines, or you’re simply opting for more minimalism…

💌Here’s How To Tell Them You Don’t Want Gifts… Tactfully

1. Express gratitude.Someone wants to put time, money, and effort into you because they genuinely care about you. That’s something to be grateful for! Even more so if gift-giving is their love language. Start the conversation off right by expressing that you appreciate their attention, and value their thoughtfulness towards you. Showing them respect allows for them to show you respect.

2. Choose honesty. If you’re comfortable, let your loved one know the reason behind your no gift policy! Letting someone know you’re saving up for a big goal or that you’re downsizing can’t hurt, and even helps get them on board! You never know what effect your actions will have on someone, and if you show them that you’re changing, others might follow your lead. 

3. Offer Alternatives.Define what you want for the season that you’re in. Is it to spend time with loved ones without exchanging presents? Ask them if they’ll spend time with you doing something they enjoy instead! Prefer experiences? Let them know there’s a fun free community event next month you’d love to go to. Or ask for everyday consumables like your favorite laundry detergent or coffee.

Breaking down your values helps steer the path of the conversation and gives your loved ones alternative ways to express their appreciation of youit’s a win-win! 

Right now, I’m giving my Future Self the gift of security by choosing to rollover my old 401k using Capitalize!

Capitalize is a free service that finds your old retirement accounts and rolls them into an IRA of your choice.

Let Capitalize tackle the hard work so that you can spend retirement lounging by the poolside 😎 **

Spending is a skill and you can learn to master it. If you’ve ever struggled with being unable to stick to a budget or felt guilty about spending on something you enjoy, Jen and Jill’s upcoming book is going to be your next favorite read.

Grab your pre-order gifts. Free With EVERY pre-order. 🥳

See you later!

⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

**Means this is a sponsored or affiliate section. We may earn a small fee or commission when you choose to try one of our sponsor or affiliate partners. But opinions are still 1000% our own.

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