Frugal Friends Book Club: 4 Self Help Books to Read This Fall – EP 439

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It’s the mind itself that shapes the body. This fall season, embracing a new mindset will bring about changes that come with comfort and ease. So, join Jen and Jill as they share another set of engaging book recommendations that explore mindset shifts, relationships, time management, and strengthening love muscles!

Good books allow opportunities.


  • 10 year old cleaning hacks. My personal favorite is having your parents show you how to clean the toilet, dust, and wash the dishes ‘just 1 more time’ because you’re still learning and you need to see how it’s done first. Cut to – you’re not doing the work, you’re just watching someone else do it. Kinda like putting your emergency fund into a high yield savings account like the one at CIT offering 4.65% APY. It’s the cleaning hack of money: you don’t have to do anything, just watch your money grow.

Something old[er than 5 years]

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk

Why Jen + Jill picked it: Whether you’ve experienced trauma or not, understanding it helps us relate to others.

Jen agrees with Jill that this is a well-written book, as it identifies the root causes of issues, explores how trauma reshapes both the mind and body, and discusses ways to heal from trauma. Beyond the scientific perspective, it also suggests some lesser-known interventions. 

Something new[er than 1 year]

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection by  Charles Duhigg 

Why Jen + Jill picked it: Making friends is hard. If we better understand conversations we can form strong relationships faster.

Jen confesses that making friends and forming relationships in your 30s is very challenging. So, understanding how to build connections with the right tools might help in having more well-rounded conversations and building stronger relationships more quickly. 

Something borrowed [from our listeners]

Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman

Why Jen + Jill picked it: Time is finite, yes. But rest is okay!

Time is truly the only finite resource we have, according to Jen. The concept of “you only live once” can lead to extremes in trying to make the most of every moment, which is not sustainable in the long run. However, Jill appreciates the reality of time’s finiteness and how we can effectively embrace it in this book.

This also reminds Jen of the concept of “essentialism” from a previous Book Club discussion, where being obsessed with hustle can make one feel guilty about resting. She emphasizes the importance of rejecting hustle culture and taking time to rest because it is an internal need—mental health is a need!

Something [with a] blue [cover]

Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Anne Lamott

Why Jen + Jill picked it: There’s no better person to talk about love than Anne Lamott. 

When things were difficult for Jen, it was Anne Lamott that changed her. So this fall, it’s about time to strengthen your love muscles when things are going a little crazy. This book highlights that love both enlightens and educates, comforts and energizes, and sustains while also surprising us.

Fiction book reads and recommendations!

Jill, who is in her reading era, picked The Grace Year by Kim Liggett as her favorite book of the year. She enjoys this book as a fun escape due to its coming-of-age and dystopian themes. Jen, on the other hand, has read Bring Young Women by Jessica Knoll, a serial killer novel based on real events. Her current read is The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel.

Frugal Friends Book Club

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Bill of The Week

Thank you Emily for sharing your bill about your soup sized pan, passed down from your mom (who most likely bought it at a yard sale)!

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“As a trying-to-be responsible grownup person, I try to keep on top of financial advice, but it always felt like a chore. Jen and Jill give me all the info I need, but I actually look forward to listening to and learning from them. Thanks for making a serious topic so much fun”

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