Frugal Beauty & Fashion Tips at Any Age with Dominique Sachse – EP 443

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Best believe, you’re not behind and it’s never too late to focus on reclaiming the confidence you once had when you were younger. What’s even better is that you don’t have to spend tons of money doing that. In this episode, Jen and Jill join Dominique Sachse of Over 50 & Flourishing to share her wisdom on beauty, empowerment, and elegant frugality.

Don’t feel like you have to be like everybody else. You do you in the moment, and that’s the coolest look there is—you, looking like you think you should.


  • Timeless. The stuff that lasts for generations. Like fanny packs, cast iron pans, or your grandma’s suitcase. They just won’t quit, they’re functional and they’re here to stay. Kinda like the book we wrote. It’s new, but it’s full of timeless tips for spending better at any lifestage. This book can follow you through the decades and be passed on to the next generation. Right along with the corelle dishware set. Pre-order yours now!


Dominique Sachse is an Emmy-winning journalist, television news anchor, and author. With over 25 years of experience in broadcast journalism. She is now the host of the national morning show, Morning on Merit Street, on Dr. Phil’s new network. Dominique also hosts the podcast Over 50 & Flourishing, where she discusses life, health, and personal growth for women over 50. 

Heirloom Elegance

Growing up, Dominique watched as her grandmother wisely managed her budget, always staying within her limits, and she saw the thrill in her grandmother’s eyes when bargaining. From there, she ignited her own love for this lifestyle. She, too, felt the excitement that her grandmother had. It made her realize how much control one can have over consumerism and how powerful a voice one has in retail. Since then, she has always had a passion for resale clothes, as she simply cannot imagine spending excessively on luxury items.

Never Go Out of Style

Dominique offers great tips for maintaining a budget while still enjoying luxury. She recommends researching to ensure your purchases align with what you truly value. It’s fine to splurge on things you love occasionally, but there are also a lot of affordable options that work wonders!

For style inspiration, Dominique turns to Pinterest. As she’s grown older, she’s found herself leaning more towards classic pieces—those that are high quality and timeless. That’s why she takes her time hunting for these gems at places like Neiman Marcus Last Call, Off Fifth Avenue outlets, second-hand shops, and thrift stores. Dominique also points out that to really shine, it’s key to choose a style that feels like you.

Beauty With No Bounds

One thing about Dominique is her natural love for experimentation. She’s the kind of person who thinks outside the box, which led her to discover her go-to style. But even with this style figured out, Dominique still loves to mix things up with a few trends or try something different. 

Overcoming Beauty Temptations

Marketing makes us think we need endless beauty products and the latest fashion to be happy. Dominique used to splurge emotionally and feel guilty afterward. But she realized shopping was just a way to cope and started focusing on healthier habits.

In her 50s, Dominique’s priorities shifted. She found that real beauty comes from meaningful relationships, not luxury brands. Once she redefined what mattered, she discovered a timeless sense of freedom.

What’s your one favorite “timeless” piece in your closet?

Dominique has a vintage, resale black jacket from Victor Ralph that’s both indestructible and versatile. Jen has a coat she picked up from a thrift store, which is from a sustainable company, and she absolutely loves it. And Jill has that comfy summer dress she adores.

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Bill of The Week

Thanks Dominique for sharing about your former co-anchor named BILL! AND 2nd favorite bill based on a bet and a bill you won!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening. We love love love reading your kind reviews and we especially loved this one from:

My friends are tired of hearing me talk about this podcast, so I’ll write a review.

As cringy as it is to say, this podcast has actually been life-changing. It’s useful for women in their teens…20’s…30’s…40’s…50’s…for men… I’ve been on a binge for 7 months now, and have only found 2 episodes that I didn’t find something applicable to me. (Although I often pause the podcast to share my own relevant stories and opinions to the empty car😅) Yes, I’ve learned about personal finance, but I have truly learned so much about myself. I learned that I tend to make a decision about buying a thing, (spending money on it) but not to actually own the item-figuring out where it would go in my life or in my space. Having this one little distinction has really helped me cut back on impulse purchases. The emphasis on simplicity caused me to actually see what’s in my space, which led me to an “accidental“ no spend challenge: 3 months without getting groceries! And I only went back to the store because I ran out of butter. 😂 I learned about what’s actually important to me in my life, and was able to make big life changes by making relatively small financial changes. Probably the biggest thing I have learned, however, is from Jill: if you do an awkward thing enough times, it becomes *A Thing.* The first time it will be awkward. The 20th time you’ll be singing along to the Bill of the Week song. ❤️

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And keep leaving us reviews on iTunes or Stitcher, and sending the screenshot to And don’t forget to share your favorite quote from the episode by using the hashtag #FrugalFriendsNote. 😉

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