Entertaining + Get-Togethers on a Budget – Ep 84

‘Tis the season for parties, get-togethers, and hosting! While we’ve already explored frugal gift ideas, black Friday, + holiday fun; today we talk about entertaining. Having others over to our homes is not only daunting at times, but let’s face it; EXPENSIVE! Of course, some of us relish the opportunity to provide an enjoyable experience in our homes, while other’s of us don’t even know where to start! The good news is, having get-togethers can be more attainable and far more budget friendly than we thought! 


  • Personal Capital: Personal Capital is an online financial advisor and personal wealth management tool that allows you to see your entire financial picture at a glance. And you can get a free $20 amazon gift card by signing up for personal capital and linking an investment account with at least $1000 in it. Sign up through our referral link: frugalfriendspodcast.com/pcap to get yours!
  • Low Key Hang Out: The kind that you did in your college dorm rooms, or in high school after class – hanging out wherever, with no purpose, and no expectations. Low key hang outs – getting back to our roots and making it cool to save money, or just be broke 🙂

Notable Notes:

Last year in episode 30 we talked about whether Black Friday is worth it. Then in episodes 33 and 34 we talked about frugal holiday fun and frugal gift ideas; we’re excited to pick up where we left off and discuss how to entertain frugally!

What the Internet has to say:

This article from frugalwoods outlines some great ideas for hosting others  frugally.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

  • Instead of going out, offer to have friends over!
  • There are some great and tasty dishes that can be made in large quantities without busting the budget (i.e. chili!)
  • Consider something other than dinner – it doesn’t always have to happen over dinner! Think ‘drinks’ or ‘dessert’!
  • Have a potluck! Share the burden!

More from the Internet:

This article from Fun, Cheap, or Free  gives some excellent ideas on how to feed a crowd on a budget!

More from Jen + Jill:

  • Plan the menu AND think about time of day – we love the graphic the website provides regarding what to serve depending on the time of the party
  • Utilize ‘variety’ in your favor – having a little of a lot of items can a go a long way in looking classy, but remaining affordable
  • We LOVE their party food ideas – spoiler alert – there’s a lot of ‘bars’ (ice cream bar, potato bar,  breakfast bar, etc) – all very simple to implement and so inviting!

BILL OF THE WEEK –  Thanks Jill for sharing your bill about lowering bills – excellent tip to check out local vocational schools!

Lightning Round

Our favorite reasons to throw a party or get-together

  • The weather doesn’t suck!
  • It’s Tuesday! …or Monday
  • Your friend has a board game you haven’t played
  • Your place is finally decorated

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