Minimalism & Frugality | Do You Have to be a Minimalist to be Frugal? – EP 20

In this episode we’re talking about minimalism and it’s part in frugality. You don’t have to be a minimalist to be frugal – but you might find that as you buy less and place less value in stuff you cultivate your own definition of minimalism.


  • Podcast Crafter: You know what will make you look real good at work? When you propose your boss start a podcast and you can tell him or her you already know a pro podcast producer. podcast crafter does branding, custom soundtracks, full episode production, & publishing. Head to to schedule your free 1 on 1 consultation.
  • Splitting Meals: Do you like to go out to eat but hate seeing the bill at the end of your dining? Take a friend – split your meal! Furthermore- would you like to practice portion control, and experience the frugal benefits of your clothes continuing to fit you year after year? Split your meal! It’s the original stomach shrinking, wallet preserving technique. Try it out. Meal splitting.

Notable Notes:

  • What the Internet has to say:
    • This article from The Minimalists explains what minimalism is and what it is not. They outline the basic principles of minimalism, but ultimately give us the freedom to define what this looks like in our own lives.
  • What Jen and Jill have to say:
    • We like that minimalism can help you afford higher quality things by buying buying fewer things 
    • There is often freedom in the form of greater emotional, mental, and relational capacity as a result of pursuing minimalism and frugality
    • Minimalism comes in many shapes and sizes; this is not a one size fits all!
    • We love the quote: “Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.”
  • What the Internet has to say:
    • This article from Reader’s Digest gives a list of 12 things minimalists wish we would all stop spending money on. From trendy clothing to unnecessarily high-priced cosmetic products, this article warns against the collection of things and advocates for greater minimalism and frugality in our daily lives, plus it’s an enjoyable read 🙂
  • What Jen and Jill have to say:
    • Single use kitchen gadgets. so true! Find tolls that serve multiple purposes!
    • We agree with the collection of craft supplies being a little excessive and a slippery slope! Beware!
    • We found this statistic listed in the article to be interesting, “Americans wear 20%of their clothing 80% of the time” – let’s consider our own version of a ‘capsule wardrobe’!

BILL OF THE WEEK – If you want to submit your bill of the week visit to leave us a bill

  • Thank you MK! Our life song!! an amazing throw back, and connection to this segment. You are a genius! 

Personal & Community – What we have to say about minimalism

  • Jen– I’m a minimalist living with a man who stops to inspect an abandoned toilet on the side of the road.
  • Jill– I’m a minimalist who realizes that the state of my bedroom is a direct reflection of my emotional and mental status. The 2 are synchronous and in simplifying the space where I rest and relax I experience greater peace and freedom.
    • One of the biggest critiques I receive in my quest for minimalism is being unsentimental. BUT fin ways to maintain sentiment and value without the collection of goods (i.e. take pictures!). And recognize the joy something brought for a season, and then let it go (i.e. Jill’s wedding cards:))
  • Maria:  “I feel the shift to this (minimalist) mindset for me has been directly related to frugal and intentional living, especially over the last five years. I’ve realized I really don’t need a whole lot to live a satisfying life.”
  • Bronwyn: “Right now my focus in (minimalism) is disconnecting from consumer culture so that I have only what I really need. I’m still trying to find a balance between not having too much and still having enough.”
  • Emily: “I started with fitness, which led to simple and clean eating, which led to simple living i.e. minimalism which led to financial simplicity i.e. cleaning up my debt and spending habits”

Thanks all for sharing your thoughts on minimalism! To hear more from us and our frugal friends community, head over to you there!

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