Creativity Over Consumerism with Miranda Anderson – EP 215

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Consumerism has enticed us to acquire the bigger, the shinier, and the newer. And for Miranda Anderson, a creative who did a 12-month no shopping challenge with her family, to say that consumption comes at the expense of our creativity is an understatement. Today, we talk about creativity over consumerism, balancing the opposing energies of creating vs consuming, and creativity and society’s focus on the end game.

It's about deciding that what you have is enough rather than deciding that it isn't.


  • Our 2022 Frugal Living Summit! The theme for this year is the Spending Symposium! June 27-30th we’ll be sharing 20 never before heard interviews with experts diving deep into why we spend impulsively, how to stop, and how to spend our money better. If you want help controlling your impulsive spending, feeling less guilt about spending in your budget, and spending wisely on investments then registration for the Spending Symposium is completely free and it’s NOW OPEN! And today through Sunday we’re offering early bird pricing on the Spending Mastery Bundle that includes all summit recordings and over 16 workbooks, ebooks, courses, etc. from our speakers. Head to to get your free ticket and don’t miss out on the amazing Spending Mastery Bundle.

As a speaker, teacher, podcast host and author, Miranda Anderson provides tools and inspiration for women to live a creative, adventurous, and intentional life. In 2019, she published ‘More Than Enough’ to chronicle her family’s 12-month no-shopping challenge that both shaped their perspective and family culture, and informed some of her most popular content on sustainability and intentionality.

The 12-month No Shopping Challenge

Miranda realizes that her habits are not aligned with her values and that their family do a 12-month no shopping challenge.

Balancing the Opposing Energies of Creating and Consuming

Miranda highlights that when you need something that you cannot easily acquire, your mind goes to work in new ways. So rather than consuming something by buying, you can consume by creating and exercising your creativity. 

Creativity and Society's Constant Focus on the End Game

Separating out how much we’re actually consuming vs creating and looking out on other people’s world vs building tangible in your own space. 

What we're creating right now that we're excited about

  • Miranda: Garden
  • Jill: Renovations
  • Jen: The summit

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening. In celebration of our summit June 27-30th we want to share some of the comments you guys made about our 2021 event like this one from Kristi. 

Wow… just wow. You guys are so wonderful, please keep going. I missed a lot in the chaotic week I had but I still gained so much just being able to tune in from the email links. I have listened to every episode of FF podcast yet there’s still more you have to offer.

Thanks so much Kristi! We do pack a lot into 4 days but the event is designed to be helpful even if you just turn one session on in the background while doing dishes or you tune into one happy hour to dive deeper into the day’s topic, or even just for all the gift cards we’ll be giving away.

So thanks for listening and if you want your free ticket to this year’s summit June 27-30th head to and don’t miss out on the early bird deal we’ve got for the Spending Mastery Bundle!

Thank you Miranda for sharing your bill about capsule shopping (in the Spring/Fall).

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