
Simple Living, But Make It Frugal! – EP 178

What exactly is simple living, and how might it benefit our lives? When it comes to frugality, saving money and cutting expenses; simplicity has a lot to teach us! Let’s talk about what it looks like to live simply and some tangible steps to get us there! Sponsors:  Meeting up in person. Do you live…

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What is Values Based Budgeting + How Do You Practice It? – EP 177

We talk a lot about the difference between being frugal and being cheap and one essential defining factor is that frugality makes room for spending on the things we value. Of course this does require some thoughtful and intentional budgeting around these values. While there are many ways to approach budgeting, we feel values based…

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Zero-Waste(ish) Cooking w/ Debt Kickin Mom – EP 176

Food waste is one of the biggest contributors to busting our grocery budget every month. Not to mention reducing waste (of any kind) both helps our finances and the environment! It’s one of our favorite kinds of episodes since we get to interview Debt Kickin Mom about some tips and tricks to limit the amount…

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Psychological Tricks For Sticking to a Budget – EP 175

Ever wonder if you’re missing some secret tip about how to actually curb spending and make your budget work for you? Well, there is no magic wand to help, BUT there is one area of ourselves we often undermine in this whole process; our mind. All of our behaviors, including our spending habits begins in…

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Investing vs Paying Off Your Mortgage Early – EP 174

Is it better to pay off our mortgage or invest the money? It’s a hotly debated topic (well at least in financial circles) with some surprisingly conflicting conclusions. We’re exploring how to determine the best approach for each of us individually and the factors we each should consider. Sponsors:  Your Emergency fund: It seems like…

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The Financial & Environmental Benefit of a Circular Economy w/ Ron Gonen – EP 173

We’ve talked about sustainability at the micro level, but what about the macro level? How can we make decisions with both our time and money that creates long-lasting benefits? Ron Gonen is here to share about how we can aim at a circular economy rather than a linear one and the benefits this can bring…

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Decorating Your Home On A Budget – EP 172

Do you find you are constantly buying new decor items for your home? Is it costing far more than you want to spend to make your home pleasing to the eye? On this episode we’re exploring how to identify your personal design aesthetic so you can decorate in a way that is authentic to your…

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Should You Focus On Paying Down Debt Right Now? – EP 171

Is hyper-focusing on debt pay-off the right financial move for you right now? While it’s no secret that we frugal friends love debt freedom, there are some considerations to make before jumping head first into debt pay down. Listen in as we discuss some additional pieces to think about on this financial journey! Sponsors:  Your…

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Your Guide to Simple Solopreneurship w/ Laura Adams – EP 170

Thinking about starting your own side business, or even full-time business? Feeling overwhelmed by all that’s involved with owning a business? You’re not alone! And Laura Adams is here to talk about the most important things to consider when being a solopreneur, and how to take small, manageable steps towards being your own boss! Sponsors: …

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