Frugal Friends

How to Stop Impulse Shopping

Finally Friday, friends!  Do you struggle with impulse buying? You’re not alone! While I (Kim) might be able to handle myself in TJ Maxx, all bets are off at the grocery store.  I have a hard time sticking to my list, and if you’re reading this, maybe you do, too! The True Cost of Impulse Spending…

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Sustainable Online Shopping

Happy Hump Day!  This year, I (Kim) have committed to small, doable changes that yield big results! 🤩 As Jen & Jill would say, I’m aiming to have 20% of my efforts yield 80% of my results.  One of the areas that I’m focusing on is my environmental impact. Reducing your carbon footprint isn’t easy…

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Specials for the 4th of July

Hello, friends! 😎 Summer has hit here in Minnesota, and I’m sure my southern friends are feeling the heat! 🔥  For me, the last eight weeks have included some kind of traveling, and I’m happy to say that I’ll be spending the holiday in my home city watching fireworks & eating my weight in ice…

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July Budget Tool Kit

Happy Friday! It’s time to wrap up another month and plan for the next. July has always been one of my (Misti’s) favorite months of the year, and not just because it’s my birthday month! I’m a major lover of the sun and warm weather, so July’s always been a time of celebration and rest…

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Why We Love Robo Advisors

Happy Wednesday, Friends! I (Misti) have been deep in the trenches of my debt payoff journey for like, ever. But once that’s done one of the things I’m most excited about focusing on is investing. Since I don’t have a lot of money to invest I’m not considering a financial advisor but I’m also hesitant…

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Birthday Freebies

Happy Monday, Frugal Friends! I (Misti) just booked my annual birthday trip with my twin and I can’t believe it’s already just a month away! 🥳 So once again, all birthday festivities are on the top of my mind. I’m still signing up for all the birthday freebies I can find and wanted to be…

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Contentment Without Complacency in Our Income

Heyyyyyoo!!  At 27 years old, I (Kim) am either the youngest millennial or the oldest Gen Z’er. No one can actually decide the cutoff, and I like to claim both generations so I can a) keep up with the slang and b) justify my taste for early 2000’s pop. When it comes to finances, I…

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Water Bottle Showdown

Goooood morning!  I (Kim) am a self-proclaimed lab geek. Over the last few years, I’ve worked in sterile environments à la lab coats, scrubs, and absolutely zero food or drink allowed on the floor. Recently, I’ve graduated to a more office-like environment where I can have these things, and I am ready to find the…

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Places Kids Eat Free

Good morning, friends!  A little over a year ago, I (Kim) became a first-time auntie! I love spending time with my niece, and recently decided to take her to the free zoo that my city offers. We had a blast looking at all the animals and plants, but by the time that we were done,…

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