Top reasons we impulse buy

Happy Friday friends!

It’s a tale as old as time. You map out your monthly spending plan and budget for all those must-have and highly valued items, activities, and necessities.

And then… you go off plan. 

Maybe you’re like us and feel like it’s physically impossible to drive by Taco Bell without stopping for a spicy soft taco, and suddenly one turns into a whole bag of taco treats. 

Impulse buying is a trap we all fall into from time to time.

So, why do we splurge on items we weren’t planning to buy? 

Here’s what we’ve found…

💳 Top 5 Reasons We Impulse Buy

1. Habit Spending. I’m sure you’ve heard about the Habit Loop: Cue → Routine → Reward, but have you thought about how it impacts spending? Our behaviors are activated by a cue (like time, location, preceding event, other people) that leads to a routine (like buying fast food after a long work day) that leads to a reward (like, um, the satisfaction of inhaling a spicy taco?). As the loop repeats, the behavior becomes habit.

💡 Try this instead: If you’re prone to habit spending, try replacing the cue! For example, if you also struggle not stopping at Taco Bell after a hard day at work, try driving a different route home for a few days.

2. Stress Shopping. We’ve heard or used the phrase “retail therapy.” The reality is, life is stressful. And it’s hard to know how to handle that stress. Stress can make us shop for many reasons, including a perceived sense of control which can be a great distraction tactic. 

💡 Try this instead: Replace stress spending with a different stress-relieving activity. Whether it’s meditating, following along with a deep breathing exercise on Youtube, or listening to an audiobook – consider what helps you emotionally and do that instead!

3. Shopping as an Activity. For many of us, shopping is a recreational activity to overcome boredom. It’s simply FUN. Without intentionality, boredom leads to impulsive decision-making. WITH intentionality, boredom can be your cue for change, indicating that it’s time to shift your attention to something more fulfilling. 

💡 Try this instead: Figure out the things you like that don’t cost money! I (Misti) have literally Googled “hobbies for women in their 30s” and started experimenting my way through the list. 

4. Social Influence. Ever found yourself buying something because “everyone else has it”? From social media trends to seeing friends and family sporting the latest gadgets or fashion, it’s easy to feel the pressure to keep up. 

💡 Try this instead: Take inventory of who you’re following on social media. Be choosey with who you allow to influence your spending and lifestyle habits. Maybe even find some new accounts that will support and encourage you towards the goals you’re setting!

5. The Hunt. It’s the thrill of the chase! Talk about a real dopamine hit when scoring a good deal. Research shows people shop more when presented with a discount. This seems a little counterintuitive, but that’s behavioral economics for ya!

💡 Try this instead: Hunt something else. If the effort put into finding deals and digging for the treasure is thrilling for you, set other goals to achieve. Try a new hobby, tackle a reading goal, listen to a new podcast—these things will give you an even greater sense of accomplishment!

Which of these impulse-buying reasons are you most prone to?

On Tuesday, Jen and Jill were joined by a special guest who has a slightly different spin on voting in How to Vote With Your Dollar with GG Gimja (Ep 446).

Today, Jen and Jill discuss how to NOT fall victim to the $12+ billion Halloween industry in How to Have a Frugal Spooky Season (Ep 447).

Listen wherever you get podcasts and let us know what you thought of the episode over on our latest Instagram post!

 Read: Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Creative Self by Manoush Zomorodi for some more “embrace the boredom” inspiration!

 Watch: Anyone else love playing Mafia? Check out The Traitors on Peacock for a wildly entertaining combination of reality tv and dramatic competition.

 Do: Have fertility goals in 2025? Let’s get you there faster—with the help of science. For any of our friends who are not so impulsively hoping for and planning on growing their families, knowledge, and resources can be a game changer in maximizing your opportunities for pregnancy. Mira translates your key fertility hormone results into numbers while you brush your teeth in the morning. From now on, you can make fertility plans feeling confident. From predicting ovulation to charting your fertile window, Mira Monitor helped thousands get that positive test result. If you’re in a season of life when this could be helpful, use code FRIENDLETTER to get 17% off Mira Hormone Monitors.**

 Meal Prep:  It’s pumpkin season, so it’s the perfect time to test this super versatile Easy Pumpkin Cream Sauce recipe 🎃. Misti’s extra special tip: replace the almond milk with goat cheese. You’ll thank me later. 😉 

Spending is a skill and you can learn to master it. If you’ve ever struggled with being unable to stick to a budget or felt guilty about spending on something you enjoy, Jen and Jill’s upcoming book is going to be your next favorite read.

Grab your pre-order gifts. Free With EVERY pre-order. 🥳


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