“I Deserve” Mentality is Financially Toxic – EP 445

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Of course we deserve a little treat or maybe even an indulgence now and then. We’re all guilty of this! But sometimes, this mindset becomes a frequent excuse that it exhausts our wallets without us realizing. In this episode, Jen and Jill will reveal some hard truths about how this mentality might be costing us more than we think and discuss what then are the things we truly deserve. 

We don’t have to go against what’s natural to go against what’s normal.


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What ‘I Deserve’ Mentality Truly Is

This article by Katie Rossler dives into that common mindset we get when we want to treat ourselves to something nice. She breaks down where this mindset comes from and shares some tips on how to handle it so it doesn’t get the best of us.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Jen believes it’s important to remind ourselves the stuff we buy doesn’t just show up on its own—it’s all about marketing. That’s why this mindset can end up being an excuse for splurging on expensive things when we tie them to our goals.

Jill says this doesn’t mean we should forget our worth. It’s about finding a radical middle—pushing back against this mindset without questioning our value. We deserve nice things without having to tie them to our achievements. So, ask yourself: Where does the “I deserve this” voice get so loud that it takes over your decisions? How has this voice made you think you only deserve things when you’ve earned them or had a tough day?

What You Truly Deserve

This article by Fitz Villafuerte of Ready To Be Rich tells us how we can deal with this mentality without doing harm to our personal finances. 

What Jen + Jill have to say:

There are times when, after a long day, we treat ourselves but end up feeling guilty. Jen suggests finding ways to reward ourselves that address the root cause—something we deserve that doesn’t add more stress.

Jill recommends being practical and intentional by planning your reward ahead of time rather than acting spontaneously. Jen also highlights the importance of recognizing the right moment to give yourself a reward, rather than pushing for it despite a tight budget. They point out that while a rewards system can be effective, it often only works for a short period and might make you question if the effort is worth the external reward.

What’s the most recent thing you thought you ‘deserved’?

Jen recently bought herself a drive-through Starbucks drink because she’s had a rough two weeks. Jill celebrated her birthday with a nice steak and knew she’d be spending a bit more, but she felt guilt-free because she values herself and knows it’s okay!

Bill of The Week

Thank you Anon for sharing your bill about $907.04 from the treasury dept. of missingmoney.com! 

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