Frugality is Giving Big Impact Energy – EP 357

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Has anyone ever told you that you have Big Impact Energy? Every action you make has an impact on a micro- to macro-level. Whether you’re on your way to the mall to shop for the Black Friday sale or you’re decorating for Christmas, this episode is not going to shame you for it; rather, we’re empowering you to make the best and most confident frugal decisions.

The impact you make on the people in your real life is much more powerful than on social media.


  • Mariah Carey’s hit single, All I Want for Christmas Is You. There are three types of people in the world: those who start listening to Mariah Carey’s hit single All I Want for Christmas Is You on November 1st, those who started listening today, and those who don’t listen to it because Christmas makes them anxious. These people cannot relate to each other. But we have something that will bring everyone together. A thousand dollars. We want to give ONE lucky frugal friend $1000 to make the holidays a little easier so head to the giveaway and we hope it makes you a little less anxious for Christmas so we can all listen to Mariah Carey’s hit single, All I Want for Christmas Is You together.

What is big impact energy?

It is a spin on Ariana Grande’s coined term (iykyk 👀) that when it comes to frugality and understanding its impact, it’s recognizing the stakes if you don’t take control of your spending. Jen emphasizes that frugality is a solution to so many problems we face on a micro and macro level—it goes beyond just what frugality can do for me and the world. 

When you practice values-based spending and are a good steward of all of your resources, it allows you to afford what money can’t buy. Jill notes the four pillars of frugality: time, mental and emotional capacities, physical space, and natural resources. Ask yourself: What’s at stake if I don’t choose to steward these pillars well?


Frugality Fights Overconsumption

Overconsumption has a direct effect on physical spaces and human beings, even our immediate community. Jill finds it wild that during the holidays, in the United States, it was reported that about 25% throw away more trash than usual. Some of this we have control over and influence over, which greatly impacts macro-level. Jen states they’re not idealists thinking they can instantly reduce their waste, but just looking at how they can stabilize and normalize this kind of practice does not necessarily deprive them either.

Living Your Best Life

When you practice frugality as more than just a way to save money or control your spending, you open yourself up to living your best life. You allow yourself to discover what your best life is; you allow your family around you to discover what their best life is, and if it’s not the same as yours, you have to learn to incorporate and cooperate with the differences. For Jill, frugality is more than about money; it’s the multitude of things we can decide for ourselves, not letting other people dictate our lives. Jill advises not to buy a lifestyle you may not even want, as many of us make decisions based on indirect influence.

Finding Permission

Finding permission for ourselves first—to control and bear influence on the things we have the ability to do—and not going with the flow or consuming mindlessly. When we do, we’re also giving others permission to choose differently. Jill notes that this isn’t just the quote, “You are who you surround yourself with”, but also them to you. When talking about Big Impact Energy, we want you to not just focus on yourself but also on how you are giving other people permission. Jen cautiously assures you not to feel pressured by it, but just know that when you do something good, be open and talk about it.

Why are you passionate about frugality?

In the MIT Press article, A Brief History of Consumer Culture, it shows through the last hundred years of marketers that people have been led via propaganda to be consumers first, people second. With this, Jen’s passionate about shifting the narrative back to the right order.

Jill has embraced the idea that she’s fully embedded in the concept of frugality because, to her, it is living and doing life. Also, for her, it creates space to have important conversations and learn from them.

Bill of The Week

Thank you Ashley for putting into work in saving money and ultimately caring for your child!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening. Many of you know we have a newsletter called The Friendletter that goes out 3x a week where we send out freebies, saving tips, and life hacks to help you save money. We want to give a shout out to this friend for replying to our email AND sharing how to save money on clothes:

Kids resale shops are where it's at. You can sell their gently used clothing and toys, get credit back or cash and then get them new clothes from the shop at discounted prices. I also shop for old navy clearance in stores for the kids, their prices can't be beat.

Thanks for listening if you want freebies, saving tips, and values-based spending hacks sent to your inbox every week head to to get the goodies! And if you already get the friendletter start sharing it with your friends to get more free goodies!

And don’t forget to share your favorite quote from the episode by using the hashtag #FrugalFriendsNote. 😉

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