Money Made Easy – EP 309

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As shocking as it may be, your finances are not stressful to manage, and it shouldn’t be! The world has made handling our money complex, becoming a source of negativity and stress. In this special episode with Allison Baggerly, let’s shift our perspective on money and learn how to approach finances easier, less stressful, and with a bag full of confidence. 

Growth in any area of our lives is going to mean growth for the whole.


  • ADHD Medicine. Today’s sponsor is something we love so much, ADHD Medicine. Allison was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and this medicine has brought so much focus and amazingness to her life. She wrote a book. She loves her ADHD Medicine, and she stands by it. Sometimes she thinks she can conquer the world when she has it that she even decided to start writing a book- Money Made Easy. You can buy it from Barnes & Noble, Ingram, and Amazon. A lot of money books–non-fiction in general are boring, however, inside every chapter of this book is wrapped up with stories and adventures. 

Finding Your Catalyst To Change Your Money For Good

In this article and podcast episode, the one and only Allison Baggerly gives us a sneak peek of her book, Money Made Easy.

What Jill + Allison have to say:

In Allison’s book, ‘Money Made Easy,’ she has shared her family’s experience of being broke teachers struggling to get by to a family that now prioritizes investing, making worthwhile experiences, and living less than we earn–stories like this helps us connect and realize how we can adapt their learnings to ours.

Jill describes “Catalyst” as a motivator, a launching point where you can springboard off. A motivator can be your reason for changing the way and managing your money. Catalysts can shift and change over time, and they can also multiply. Just remember that it should be at the forefront and stronger than the frustrations you may face.

Jill and Allison advise everyone to take at least 10 minutes to write down about your catalysts or prompts of what it may be (you can even write ‘Dear Diary’ at the beginning of your journal!) 

Personal Finance is simple. We make it complicated.

This LinkedIn article by Gajendra Kothari tells us how we have collectively made personal finance cumbersome and how we can make it less complex. 

What Jill + Allison have to say:

Allison couldn’t agree more that personal finance is simple. Still, many of us would always find reasons why we cannot simply agree. The article shared a 1-pager personal financial plan by Scott Adam. Jill and Allison believe that most people would discount everything on the list because it doesn’t apply to us in one aspect. 

There are three components of financial planning under which anything we do with our finances falls: Protection, Savings, and Growth. Jill and Allison run down each component.

What was the best decision you made for simplifying your finances?

Automation has made Jill’s life so much easier–from savings, investment, and her bill payments, all are automated.

While Allison and her family would do weekly budget meetings to talk about money, such as updates, bills, and other necessary payments, just to get on the same page and have them enjoy the rest of the week as parents and partners. 

Bill of The Week

Thank you, Victoria from NC for sharing your bill about a life-sized baby doll that started to cost more money so eventually you gave William away!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening! Many of you know we have a private community where we do monthly money challenges and offer accountability groups. We want to congratulate one of our members for a big win:

I decided to do another 30 day no spend this month.

Last month I kept a list of what I wanted to buy when the no spend was over and by the end of the month there was only one thing I still wanted!

It was very sobering. This month feels much easier to navigate — I feel “unhooked” from the constant, relentless buying treadmill.

Congrats! Thanks for listening and if you want to check out our monthly challenge community head to to see what challenge we have coming up next.

Keep leaving us reviews on iTunes or Stitcher, and sending the screenshot to And don’t forget to share your favorite quote from the episode by using the hashtag #FrugalFriendsNote. 😉

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