Breaking the Cycle of Poverty | Stop Living Below The Poverty Line – EP 243

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Poverty has no one-size-fits-all label, as much as there’s not a single reason or solution we can point to it. It intersects with a lot of things but today we’re addressing what’s within our control. The goal is not to alleviate people out of the poverty line but to help people control their spending in whatever way it looks like for them. In today’s episode, we want to cover things that will be of use to you especially if you find yourself in a tricky situation living at or below the poverty line.

Frugality is not a race from the bottom, not a race to see how little you can spend. It’s giving yourself space to get creative.


  • Beach balls. Today’s episode is heavy so we invited an airy sponsor to lighten up the mood. Are you at an event where all the attendees are falling asleep in their chairs? Throw out some beach balls! Kids throwing heavy objects at your valuables? Replace all their toys with beach balls. Every single one. Going to the beach? Maybe bring a volleyball or innertube or something, beach balls are actually pretty impractical for the beach. We’re actually giving our Frugal Friends bumper stickers to everyone who joins our Patreon this month at so maybe bring that to the beach. Beach balls, they’re not the solution to everything, but they’re the solution to more than you think.  

Things to Lay Down: Six Sacrifices You Need to Make to Escape Poverty

If you go out in the streets and ask around on whether they want to be rich, the majority of the answer would be yes. Money254 shares six things you should lay down or consider when you find yourself struggling to live in or below the poverty line. 

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Jill can commiserate to some level on what it feels like to be strapped for cash or financial resources which pushes people to have a poor mindset. It is important to give up the poor mentality, work hard and be smart about our choices. Jill also agrees with focusing and celebrating our victories no matter how small or big they may be but Jen adds that we also shouldn’t let certificates determine our worth as a person.

Jen wants us to look at our commitments and focus on doing it–saying no and only saying yes to those that are good for you. We should gratify ourselves by creating goals for our future through spending less, saving and investing. 

Things to Pick Up: 7 Tips for Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

It can feel like a long, dreadful and vicious cycle one can break free from when you’re at the poverty line. suggests 7 tips that you may pick up in your lifestyle, growth and a stronger mindset.

What Jen + Jill have to say:

Jen urges us to educate ourselves through free courses, community resources and striking a conversation with those you may trust about your finances or meeting up new people whom you can learn from (you can try joining in Also, if you have a bad feeling about a financial product, institution, a person at the bank, or if something doesn’t sound right, it’s not you, it’s them–walk away. 

As always Jill encourages everyone to change their mindset towards money. She highlights how to avoid predatory pay lending and to find ways to build and focus our credit. Jen suggests asking your landlords to use stessa for paying rent to help build your credit and get a secured credit card.

A significant change we made to change our financial status

Jill shifted her mindset and invested in herself while Jen started to pay off debt. Action came before the mindset because for Jen… fake it til you make it!

Bill of The Week

Thank you Sarah for sharing your bill about buying your first house that no one can kick you out of and you can have all the pets you want!

Thanks so Much for Listening!

Thanks so much for listening! Many of you know we have a private community where we do monthly money challenges and offer accountability groups. We want to congratulate one of our members for a big win:

I’ve just made my way through the Dream Life videos.

I found them very interesting, especially recognizing the difference between fixed and growth mindsets and how those can affect us. As I was doing the workbook I found that when I began to breakdown my goals into clear steps, they didn’t seem so huge and unattainable!

I look forward to ticking off my smaller tasks and achieving my goals in the near future and seeing how those help shape my long-term future!

Congrats! Thanks for listening and if you want to check out our monthly challenge community head to to see what challenge we have coming up next.

Keep leaving us reviews on iTunes or Stitcher, and sending the screenshot to And don’t forget to share your favorite quote from the episode by using the hashtag #FrugalFriendsNote. 😉

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