2 ways to DE-INFLUENCE holiday spending

Hey friends!

Jen here. I wanted to pop in and give you some encouragement to take with you for the 2 weeks prior to Christmas and Hanukkah.

Some of you may be done with your holiday shopping, others may be just starting.

Regardless, everyone will encounter an opportunity to impulse spend on something.

While impulse spending isn’t the enemy of responsible spending, it’s the culprit behind most of the purchases we regret.

And even if we’ve told ourselves over and over again, “I WILL NOT OVERSPEND MY BUDGET,” impulsive spending decisions often win because our brain favors the dopamine-driven survival part of our brain over the logical part.

By making a few decisions ahead of time you can cut down on many of the root causes that create barriers to listening to the logical part of the brain.

1. Find Another Tradition 🔍

So much of our holiday spending is a result of tradition or getting in the holiday “spirit.” So instead of using shopping or gifts as holiday a holiday activity or tradition, find something else of equal value.

2. Care For Yourself ❤️‍🩹

Stress is a major impetus for impulse spending and this can be one of the most stressful and/or emotional seasons of the year. Manage your emotions and stress through nervous system exercises, traditional exercise, or meditation to give yourself a better shot at resisting temptations.

Again, we want to reiterate that impulse spending is not bad, but we don’t want you to live at the whim of marketers and influencers. Being prepared empowers you to make the planned and impulsive decisions that are best for you. 😉

Have a great holiday season! ☃️

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Spending is a skill and you can learn to master it. If you’ve ever struggled with being unable to stick to a budget or felt guilty about spending on something you enjoy, Jen and Jill’s upcoming book is going to be your next favorite read.

Grab your pre-order gifts. Free With EVERY pre-order. 🥳


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